How to Create Bill of Material (BoM) in SAP SD

How to Create Bill of Material (BoM) in SAP SD

T Code : CS01
A bill of material (BOM) describes the different components that together create a product. For example- A computer is a product. It is a combination of CPU, Keyboard, Monitor, Mouse etc. The bill of material contains the item number of each component, quantity required in the manufacture of a product and the unit of measure of the item.
SAP R/3 allows the creation of various categories of Bill of Material. Some of the categories of the BOM are -
  • Material BOM (T-code CS01) - A bill of material that you create for a material known as material BOM.
  • Equipment BOM (T-code-IB01) - Equipement BOM is used to describe the structure of equipment and to assign spare parts to equipment for maintenance purpose.
  • Sales Order BOM (T-code-CS61) -Sales Order BOM is used for make-to-order production of products according to the requirements of customers.
  • Functional location BOM (T-Code-IB11) - A functional location BOM can be created individually for each functional location or a group of technical objects.
  • Document BOM (T-code-CS11) - A complex document may be made up from multiple documents such as program, papers, technical drawing etc. These related information and documentation object grouped as a unit using a BOM.
Step 1)  Create Material BOM
  1. Enter T-code CS01 in the command field.
  2. Enter Material / Plant / BOM usage .
Step 2)
Enter Item Code, Material component  and Quanity

Step 3)
Click on save button. A Message as   CS01: How to Create Bill of Material (BoM) in SAP SD will be displayed.
How to Create Bill of Material (BoM) in SAP SD How to Create Bill of Material (BoM) in SAP SD Reviewed by Unknown on August 24, 2017 Rating: 5

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