Item Category
What is Item Category?
T Code : VOV7, VOV4
An item category defines how a line item behaves in sales transaction.
SAP Uses Item category to process a material differently in each sales document type.
AFX - It is inquiry Item category ,it is not relevant for billing.
AGX – It is quotation Item category ,it is not relevant for billing.
TAN – It is standard Item category, it is relevant for billing.
T-code for Define Item category is VOV7.
Step 1)
- Enter Tcode VOV7 in Command Bar.
- List of Item Category including SAP and User Define Item category.
- Click on New Entries
Button,for create Item Category.
Step 2) While you create new Item category , following sections could be filled.
- Business Data (billing / pricing etc. information).
- General Control (It determine automatic batch,rounding permission and order quantity to 1 or not).
- Transaction Flow( Item screen detail ).
- Bill of Material (used for variant configuration).
- Value Contract (for value contract).
- Service Management (service scenario).
- Control of resource(resource related billing scenario).
We will enter data in Business Data Section.
Step 3)
1. We are going to create YTA2 (Standard item category)
2. Enter Billing Relevance / Pricing. Check
- Business Item
- Sched. Line Allowed
- Wght
- Vol. Relevant
- Credit Active
- Determine Cost.
Step 4)
A Message "Data Was saved " Displayed.
Item Category Determination
Item category controls the item behavior .e.g. Item category define that item is relevant for Billing or Pricing.
The item category in the sales document depends on the sales document type and the material.
Item Category Determination is done by T-code –VOV4. There are Many Standard Item Categories provide by SAP, Some of them is below
Item Categories Description
TAB Individual Purchase Order
TAS Third Party Item
TAD Service
TATX Text Item
TATX Free Of Charge
AFX Inquiry Item
AGX Quotation Item
Step 1)
- Enter T-code VOV4 in Command Field.
- A list of existing item category displayed.
- To Create a New item category click on New Entries
Step 2)
To Create New Item Category ,Enter following data -
- Sales Doc. type.
- Item cat. group.
- Item category (Default item category,this can be overridden with manual item category value).
- Manual item category (if business demands,we can add manual item category to override default item category).
Note : Default item category will be picked up automatically for sales document type in which it's define. Manual Item Category can be used in place of default item category OR we can replace default item category in sales document with allowed manual item category. e.g. Default item category( YTA2) can be replaced with Manual item category (TAP,TAQ,TANN).
Step 3)
A Message "Data Was Saved " displayed as below -
Item Category
Reviewed by Unknown
August 28, 2017

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